About Me

This blog is managed by Ajay thakur.I am Computer science student I am just new blogger in blogger - world, Basically I am from Himachal Pardesh and lives in roorkee,Haridwar.

I am not a professional blogger for now, I started My blog As
a passion.

Here at cool stuff I write about How to make money 
online and some cool stuff like videos,songs,cracked apps and also a training session.

Cool stuff is the premier online site for anyone who is passionate about Entertainment and who has the desire to excel in the online world. Cool stuff is an answer to:

  • How do you make money online?
  • How can you quit your job & become your own boss?
  • How you can create an authority & establish yourself online & offline?
  • How to create and manage your website.
  • How to earn online


Here at Cool stuff , I share everything I have learned and continue to learn about turning a blog into a business & make a living out of it. One of the ideology of my working is to be transparent. Every month I share Lots of posts for the customers.

Hey, Stuffers!

Allow me to formally introduce myself to you: My name is Ajay thakur and I am a man who is passionate about technology and internet marketing.

Formally educated as an engineer, I am now a Engineer by profession.

I completed my primary education with Govt. School in 2010, and received my diploma in Engineering from HP Technical Universty in 2014.  Prior to becoming a professional blogger, I worked with Moral connections in India.

Computers and technology have been my passion since I was a child.  I began my new venture by writing a few blogs and authoring articles in various communities on technology.  I started with full-time blogging on the day I established  Cool Stuff.

If you share similar interests, feel free to join me on Facebook.

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